Jan 28, 2009

Earthquake Detector

Another Arduino day.. I've managed to switch on and off an LED, a buzzer and a motor. I used one of the switches I made last week in Matt Cottam's workshop. When the table moves, the switch is on and the Arduino code starts the LED, the motor and the buzzer, to warn you about the earthquake!

Jan 26, 2009

Let there be light!

We are going to have a one-week physical computation workshop with Einar S. Martinussen. The first day of the workshop was more about getting to know Arduino which is "an open-source electronics prototyping platform" according to its website, arduino.cc. We also made our first Arduino project, an LED blinking every other second. Here's the code;

int ledPin = 13; //Declare that we have an LED on pin 13
void setup() {
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
//The code loop runs from here...
digitalWrite(ledPin,HIGH); //Turn the LED on
delay(1000); //Wait for a second
digitalWrite(ledPin,LOW); //Turn the LED off
delay(1000); //Wait for a second
//...to here

Switch Workshop

We had a 3-day switch workshop with Matt Cottam. I was supposed to create 50 switches and these are the 20 switches I could come up with. Check out: www.tellart.com

The Nobel Chamber

The Nobel Chamber is a permanent exhibition in Nobel Peace Center (Nobels Fredssenter). It is a magical book - as described in the museum guide- about Alfred Nobel's life, inventions and testament.

Stem med støvelen!

“Stem med støvelen” is an installation which takes part in the exhibition Klima X which opened in December 2007 in the Norsk Teknisk Museum. It has been conceptualized and created by Codesign. The exhibition aims to call people’s attention towards global warming and inform them about the causes, effects and remedies. “Stem med støvelen” aims to make people think about and express their opinion in some controversial issues like the oil production of Norway. It consists of seven pads and a screen. The visitors see a statement in the screen and using their foot, they step on the red or the green foot image on the pad, red representing against the idea and green representing pro. When the time given for answering is up, they see the result of that particular session which consists of seven answers as well as the overall result for everyone who visited the exhibition. They step on the sensor and they step up their opinion.